Ferecatura_Tetraevanghelie_MNAR_12619Ms12-Invierea_coperta_I.JPG Ferecatura_Tetraevanghelie_MNAR_12619_Ms12-Rastignirea_coperta_II.JPG

Gilded Silver Bookbinding

1636, Brâncoveni Monastery
  • © The National Museum of Art of Romania

Manufactured in a Wallachian workshop of hammered and engraved gilded silver, in 1636. Is offered to the monastery Brancoveni by Prince Matthew Basarab and his wife, Helen. The bookbinding is made from gilded silver. Two themes are represented: in front – The Resurrection, back – The Crucifixion. TREASURY item.

Institutul Național al Patrimoniului         Administrația Fondului Cultural Național

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