This deed of donation (hrisov de danie, a document which formalises a donation to an institution or person) which ruler Constantin Brâncoveanu bestowed upon the monastery Hurezi (on the 22nd of December 1691) is written in Slavonic and Romanian languages, in Cyrillic letters: "MILOSTIEIIO BOJIEIIO IO KOSTANDIN BASARAB VOEVOD I GASPADARBCOE ZEMLE UGGROVLASKOE DAVAT GOSPODVAMI CIIO POVEALENIO GOSPODVAMI (By the grace of God, we, prince Costandin Basarab, ruler of Wallachia, hereby do bestow this donation, by Our order)... "to the Saint and Divine Monastery of Sti Costandin which is patroned by the Worshipped Saints and Apostles wedded by God, the great emperors Constantin and Elina...". This deed makes reference to a number of estates, watermills, forests, ponds bought by Brâncoveanu from various countrymen who had been owners or sellers, and passed to the monastery of Hurezi as donations. The document is validated by a seal displaying two crowned characters, flanking a tree with an aquila holding a cross on the top. The seal is stamped, the signature and the title are written in vermillion, whereas the text is in black ink.The invocation with floral motifs is in vermillion and black ink. The frontispiece features the Wallachian coats of arms – the acquila holding a cross, a sceptre and a sword, inside a medallion of oak and bay leaves, on an unfolded parchment, with two supporting eagles on the left and the right.