Mogoşoaia Palace is one of the finest monumental ensembles in Brancovan style. It is located about 15 kilometers from Bucharest, in Mogoșoaia village, Ilfov County. Constantin Brâncoveanu boughtthe village from Radu logofăt(Constantin Brancoveanu’s chancellor), popa (priest) Isac and jupâneasa (wife of a highest rank boyar) Rada, in 1681. In the same transaction, the ruler also will take over the pond. On the bank, he will build the future palace.
In 1688, the ruler built the church dedicated to St. George. Church keeps the original painting, in the pronaos are represented the faces of founders.
The construction of the palace was completed in the fall of 1702, according to the rotive in the church porch. Thes second son of Brâncoveanu, Ștefan (Stephen), benefited of this palace. After martyrdom of family Brâncoveanu (the prince, his four sons and counselor/son-in-law Ianache Văcărescu were killed in Constantinopole, in 1714), the building is transformed into ther road house (inn). Building suffered significant damage during the Ruso - Turkish war (1768 -1774); in 1821 was practically ruined and deserted.
In the mid-nineteenth century, the palace begins to be restored during the reign of George Bibescu and works were continued by his son, Nicolae (Nicholas). Restoration continues in the twentieth century (1914- 1921) and architect Rupollo gives palate form that we know today. More about real money casino on online casino kiwi ! The palace was highlighted by Princess Martha Bibescu, a strong personality, which has made its mark on Romanian political and cultural life. Currently houses the Museum of Brancovan art and is an important tourist attraction.