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Potlogi Palace

  • Description:

    Palace is located in Dâmboviţa County, in the north of the village Potlogi, about 50 kilometers from Bucharest. It was built by Prince Constantin Brancoveanu, in 1698, for his son, Constantin. The palace was built in a strategic place, the crossroads of the ancient capital Targoviste and Bucharest. The church dedicated to St. Dumitru was first built, in 1693; in 1904 will undergo some transformations. After tragical year 1714, the palace was looted and damaged during the Russo - Turkish war. In the mid-twentieh century, palace was ruined, only a few walls remained. In 1954-1959, 1972-1977, 1981-1983 and since 1990 have held extensive restoration work, that gave the monument present form.

Institutul Național al Patrimoniului         Administrația Fondului Cultural Național

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