

1691-1692, Hurezi Monastery
  • © The National Museum of Art of Romania

Church-shaped silver box, placed in the altar; the Holy Eucharist is stored in this container. The tabernacle was made in a Wallachian workshop. Richly decorated with vegetal motifs, with acanthus leaves, arum lily and helianthus (decorative sunflower) flowers, the piece is made of gilded silver, using the repoussé technique, and the applied sections are molded and glazed. It is shaped as a triconch church, with two belfries (one on the narthex side, and the other on the nave side) and two smaller belfries at the corners of the narthex. The belfry of the nave, the two smaller belfries, and the altar have a cross above them. The façades of the church are divided into two levels by a rope-shaped stringcourse: the apostles are represented in the lower area, while the upper area features a number of holy feasts represented against a blue enamelled background; the name of each feast is written in Slavonic. A three-lobed arch inscription - "I.C.B." (I, Constantin Basarab) is visible on the main front, just above the entrance door. Portraits of saints are painted on the upper level, above the door. Romanian-language inscriptions are written in Cyrillic letters on both sides of the door: "Emperor Constantin, Empress Elena, the confession tabernacle was holy indeed... Yet this tabernacle is holier still, it is the master of this house where the Lord Himself lives, and which was built by the efforts of His devout servant, Constandin Basarab, and his queen Mariia, forever their names be remembered, in the year of our Lord 7200". TREASURY item.

Institutul Național al Patrimoniului         Administrația Fondului Cultural Național

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